Monday, February 24, 2020

On Community and Drama and Kindness

**Please know, comments are turned on at the current time. Should things become toxic, hateful, hurtful, and downright uncalled for, comments will be removed and the ability to comment will likely be turned off.**

Let me start this post by saying I am part of the best community thanks to Twitch. The Empire has become my online home in the last 6+ months. A community where I feel more like family than just a friend or even just another streamer. I could not be more grateful for the people I've met through the community...the people who support me, the people I support. And we don't just support each others streaming efforts...we support each other in our lives off Twitch as well. When one of our own is down and out or needing help, we're there to pick each other up and help each other through the rough times. A community that has helped me grow as a streamer, that helps me continue to grow through connection opportunities. My stream is not my full time job. It is strictly a hobby. I know this. I am happy with this.

*Let me preface this by saying, I will not be using names, as it seems irrelevant and unnecessary. People who read this will likely know if it's about them or not. And others will probably think it is about them and it is likely not.*

Sadly, a month ago, a large volcanic rock hit our little community and caused a small shift. After a rough week or so following the hit, it seemed things were calming. However, it seems ashes continue to gall and people are picking sides, looking to others for whether or not they should continue to be part of the Empire. Perhaps worried about their own reputation or numbers. I get it.

I have to say, it saddens me greatly that what happened a month ago could not have been handled like adults. That it had to sink to a level of high school teenage girl drama, yet it involved only grown ass 30+ year old men. I had enough wit about me to go directly to the Empire source when someone I used to enjoy watching and was on friendly terms with started trash talking my community. I was blind sided because what had happened within the Discord overnight was quickly taken down by the admins and should have never blown into the circus people chose to blow it into. 

We are all entitled to our feelings, opinions, views on everything in the world. We do not all have to agree about how communities are run...or even what community means (sure, there is a dictionary definition, but it seems even that doesn't fit some communities). But to blow up, live on Twitch is highly unprofessional on their part, as well as the opposite of what community is. I will never understand how someone can claim to be about community, and being inclusive, yet turn around and try to tear another community apart. Be angry, be sad, be whatever, but do it in a manner that is not going to hurt other people. Have enough balls to go to the community managers and step away quietly; maybe make a BRIEF social post or video regarding why you left. But you don't have to flip a lid on stupid shit. 

I have no ill will toward these people. I wish them nothing but continued streaming success. However, as I've done in the past, I've weighed my thoughts and feelings and decided it is best for me to step away from these peoples communities and streams. I have a hard time respecting grown ass adults who do not deal with matters privately and drag their communities into something their communities should NEVER have been drug in to.

I thought the hit we took was fading in the distance. And I suppose, for those still firmly rooted in the community and personal connections, it is in the distance. But it is very clear there are others out there who continue to be on some loop, continually going over that bump, and slowly circling back round to it. To those people, I say this:

-I was NEVER part of the drama. YOU were NEVER part of the drama. We have no reason to continue to revisit that drama. We have free will and can leave what communities we want. We have free will and can stay with what communities we want. We don't need to explain ourselves.

-If something a community manager is doing or requires for the community or stream team doesn't feel right to you, GO TO THEM, privately. 9 times out of 10, they're going to listen to you and likely figure out a solution.

-If that solution still doesn't sit well with you, they will not hold it against you should you choose to walk away. They will respect your decision and wish you well. I can PROMISE YOU THIS! If you are in MY community personally and you choose to step away/leave it behind, I respect you and wish you well.

-Above all else, don't be a lemming, blindly following others mob mentality. Be you. Think for you. And do what is best for you, others be damned.

I speak from a place of experience. I was the one who got shit on, but I also fired back. I DM'd this person and apologized profusely for my part in it. But they were very unaccepting of the apology and I felt like I was on watch after that. Not to mention, they decided to change requirements for their moderators and Discord admin. So, I decided for my mental health and what kind of community I wanted to be a part of, to leave. And I did. I am still friends with people from that community. But I no longer follow the streamer and I am no longer a part of their discord. I wish this person no ill will. And I hope they are doing well now. 

If Twitch and streaming is teaching me anything, it's that community is MORE than just your numbers. Community is about connections on a personal level. Learning to help each other succeed in our hobbies, careers, and dreams. Building each other up, but NEVER tearing each other down. Learning to agree to disagree. Learning that it's OK to walk away from something you feel is toxic, unwelcoming, or just not your cup of tea. That relationships are a two way street. That in order to earn respect, you must also give respect in turn. That it's OK to say NO. That we all have different hopes and dreams for our time on Twitch. And that Twitch is one massive community made up of MANY different little communities who support their streamers. 

But mostly, as cliche as it sounds, I've learned we have to show each other kindness, every day. Show each other we care. And to be respectful of each other. 

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