Friday, June 26, 2020

Sea of Thieves Custom Servers

So, I know I have followers that will disagree with me vehemently on this; and that's fine. I fully understand if you want to unfollow me for this; that's your choice. I honestly don't care. However, as someone who enjoys gaming and streams as a hobby (I don't have the desire to stream and create content full time and I'm someone who if something feels more like a job, I don't enjoy it and want to do it less) my voice is no less important when it comes to what I'd like to see in some of my favorite games. 

But when it comes to SoT I feel like because I'm female, when I speak out on a feature I'd like to see I have been verbally attacked and ridiculed by male gamers within the community. That I am just a stupid female who doesn't want to learn how to PvP, who doesn't know what she's talking about and often told to go find another game to play if I don't like the whole PvPvE aspect of the game.

With that being said, here is what I have to say about the new Custom Servers Rare is currently working on for content creators:


Yet again, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. It's just how things go.

This does not mean that creators don't deserve servers they can use for their pirate games, races, what have you. I have seen some amazing content created that will greatly benefit these servers when they go live. And I look forward to seeing some of the new stuff some creators have wanted to do but couldn't because of the whole PvP aspect of the game.

However, when are you going to start listening to and taking into consideration the ideas and requests of your casual (read: non content creating) players. We have purchased the game, we have purchased ancient coins for in game cosmetics and things. And we have played just as much as the content creators. When is our voice going to matter? Does our voice even matter?

I get tired of voicing my opinion on PvE servers because all I get are a bunch of keyboard warriors telling me to basically sit down, shut up and suck it up OR to quit playing a game I have loved for the last 2 years. 

Every player who opposes the idea of private PvE servers insists that IF Rare were to do them it would HAVE to be done without the ability to earn gold/rep/commendations. And while myself (and others) have asked why it has to be that way, I don't think anyone has ever really been able to provide an answer other than the standard "this is a PvPvE game where the reward of gold/rep/comms comes at the risk of having to fight other pirates for it." Yeah. And your point is? The reward of PvE servers would come from battling the environment (Krakens, Megs, Skeleton Ships, Ghost ships)...there is no difference because either way I'm losing out on hours worth of loot gathering. 

If it's fairness we're fighting for (among the OG's of SoT), there are ways to even the playing field for those that would prefer PvE servers:

I would gladly pay a monthly or yearly subscription fee to have access to a private server and invite my friends to so we can earn our gold/rep/commendations together with friendly battles or no battles. Heck even better if that fee included the ability to have private Arena servers so my friends and I can battle it out for our rep and commendations. Hell, I'd be all for slower rep and gold gain on a private server (the consequence (if you will) for not wanting to earn at the normal rate on a PvPvE server) and even slightly harder battles with Krakens, Megs, Skeleton and Ghost Ships. 

All that being said, kudos to Rare for giving their players who work hard on creating fun events within a PvPvE world the ability to create a little more easily. Like I said above, I can't wait to see what else creators come up with. I just hope one day soon, they'll start listening to their non content creating players as well. 

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